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What is maji.pro?


Anything and Everything Drilling

Maji.Pro is an innovative online platform that is the go-to place for anything and everything involving borehole drilling in Kenya. Developed by industry experts who understand the challenges of the borehole drilling and related services fields in Kenya, Maji.Pro aims to solve the pain points of both clients and professionals. Maji.Pro connects serious clients with verified service providers in a simple and efficient way. With just a few clicks, clients can post their job requirements and service providers can submit bids for the job. This unique approach streamlines the process, saving clients time and money, while allowing service providers to find new customers with ease.

The platform is easy to use, and it offers a wide range of services, including survey, drilling, equipping, solarisation, aquifer testing, and more. Clients can browse the available services and select the ones that best fit their needs. They can also read reviews from previous clients to ensure they are hiring the right person for the job. Alternatively, Clients can sign-up and post a job, giving full details of the project, and start receiving bids and proposal for the job.

Service providers, on the other hand, can create a profile that showcases their experience, qualifications, and rates. They can then browse the job postings and submit bids for the ones they are interested in. This allows them to build their reputation, expand their customer base, and increase their earnings.

Maji.Pro provides a secure platform that protects both clients and service providers. Clients can be assured that they will only be working with qualified and trustworthy service providers, while service providers can be confident that they will receive payment for their work.

The platform also offers a range of tools to help service providers manage their jobs and finances. They can track their earnings, manage their schedule, and communicate with clients through the platform.

MajiPro is a game-changer for anyone looking to hire a service provider or looking to expand their business. It offers a simple and efficient way to connect clients with service providers, making the process of finding the right person for the job easier than ever before.

Whether you're a client or a service provider, MajiPro is the perfect platform to help you achieve your goals.

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